Eric Singer Lecture/Performance at CMU, Wed. Feb. 17th
12 February 2010 / announcement, external, lecture, performance, studioRobotics artist Eric Singer will make a public lecture/performance next Wednesday at CMU!
The lab I direct, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon, is partnering with Professor of Art Melissa Ragona to bring a series of artist lecture/performances to Pittsburgh this spring. Coming up next Wednesday (February 17th) at 6:30pm is a presentation by leading robotics artist Eric Singer, founder of LEMUR (the League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots) — followed on March 3rd with a presentation by live cinema performance artists, Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder. All events in the STUDIO, room CFA-111 in the College of Fine Arts building, Carnegie Mellon Campus. Events are open to the public and include snacks. Full details in the following PDF.
Design: Caryn Audenried for the STUDIO
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