Golan Levin and Collaborators

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Archive for the 'pedagogy' Category

The Rigor of CMU’s BCSA Degree

There are many different options for studying a combination of art+technology at Carnegie Mellon. Among these is the Bachelor of Computer Science, or BCSA. During admissions season, I receive many questions about the BCSA, including, occasionally, this one: Q: I was wondering if a BCSA major would undergo a less rigorous computer science education than […]

Undergraduate Art+Tech Options at CMU: An Update

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has been ranked #1 in new media arts, #1 in computer science, and #6 in fine arts, nationally, by US News & World Report (2016). As you might expect, therefore, there are a wide range of different degree options for combined undergraduate study in art+technology at CMU. This blog post presents a […]

Computing (almost) without Computers (Eyeo Code+Ed Session)

Links and Notes from the Eyeo Festival Code+Ed Session, June 10, 2014  The following is a list of resources which you may find helpful in teaching introductory programming concepts and computational thinking. Wherever possible, these links list resources which are “computerless”, relying instead on paper and cardboard constructions, physical performances, etcetera. This list was compiled from a discussion […]

Malofiej Presentation: Graffiti+Infovis

I delivered this presentation at the Malofiej #22 Infographics World Summit, Pamplona, Spain, 27 March 2014. The subject of my talk was the possibility of combining the visual language of information graphics, with the communication strategies of graffiti and urban markup. Thanks to the Malofiej organizers for their hospitality and the honor of addressing this […]

3D Printing Workshop

 A Family Workshop in Critical 3D Printing: Concepts, Techniques, and Workflows Developed by Golan Levin and Gustavo Valera Originally commissioned by Alhondiga de Bilbao, July 2013 as an activity accompanying the exhibition Artists as Catalysts. Presented in another iteration at FutureEverything, Manchester, March 2014 Overview The rapidly decreasing cost and widespread adoption of 3D printers has […]