Golan Levin and Collaborators

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“ART AND CODE” Conference at CMU, March 7-9

15 February 2009 / announcement, lecture, pedagogy, thanks

From March 7-9, I will be directing ART AND CODE, a conference on “Programming Environments for Artists, Young People and the Rest of Us“, held on the campus of Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. Come join us!


This conference is going to be a remarkable summit of sorts, as it will feature presentations and hands-on workshops by the creators of ten significant scripting languages for the arts. I’m tremendously honored to be hosting such a profoundly influential cohort of educator/artist/developers, including Dr. Wanda Dann and Don Slater (Alice), Dr. WooHoo (ExtendScript), _Why the lucky stiff (Hackety Hack), R. Luke DuBois (Max/MSP/Jitter), Zach Lieberman, Theo Watson, and Arturo Castro (openFrameworks), Casey Reas, Ben Fry, and Daniel Shiffman (Processing),  Ira Greenberg (Processing and ActionScript), John Maloney and Evelyn Eastmond (Scratch), DeVaris Brown (Silverlight), Sebastian Oschatz (VVVV), Hans-Christoph Steiner (PureData), and Tom McMail (Microsoft Research). There will be more than 25 workshops, 10 lecture presentations, panels discussions, and much more. (And it’s still not enough: I grieve to recall some of the major art-programming tools I didn’t have the resources to invite.)

The conference is made possible by a grant from Microsoft Research, with oversight from the Center for Computational Thinking at CMU, whose mission is to “advocate for the widespread use of computational thinking to improve people’s lives”, and with administrative and logistical support from the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU, whose mission is to support “atypical, interdisciplinary, and inter-institutional research at the intersection of arts and technologies.” Thanks everyone for making this possible!

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