Golan Levin and Collaborators

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Using the Kinect in Processing

15 February 2012 / code, pedagogy, reference

Interested in using the Kinect depth sensor in Processing? Here are some options.

If you end up requiring higher-quality performance, then I recommend using ofxKinect and ofxOpenNI in openFrameworks:

Of course, other options exist for other arts-engineering environments, such as Cinder, MaxMSP, PureData, etc.


New Art/Science Affinities: A New Publication

22 November 2011 / announcement, studio

New Art/Science Affinities download / 17MB PDF

In collaboration with the Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University, my laboratory, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, has co-published “New Art/Science Affinities,” a 190-page book on contemporary artists that was written and designed in one week by four authors (Andrea Grover, Régine Debatty, Claire Evans and Pablo Garcia) and two designers (Luke Bulman and Jessica Young of Thumb). The publication is a product of Grover’s Fellowship at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry and Miller Gallery, funded by a Visual Arts Curatorial Research grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation.

“New Art/Science Affinities,” which focuses on artists working at the intersection of art, science and technology, was produced by a collaborative authoring process known as a “book sprint.” Derived from “code sprinting,” a method in which software developers gather in a single room to work intensely on an open source project for a certain period of time, the term book sprint describes the quick, collective writing of a topical book. The authors collectively wrote and designed “New Art/Science Affinities” book during seven days in February 2011 at the STUDIO.

The book includes meditations, interviews, diagrams, letters and manifestos on maker culture, hacking, artist research, distributed creativity, and technological and speculative design. Sixty international artists and art collaboratives are featured, including Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Atelier Van Lieshout, Brandon Ballengée, Free Art and Technology (F.A.T.), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, The Institute for Figuring, Aaron Koblin, Machine Project, Openframeworks, C.E.B. Reas, Philip Ross, Tomás Saraceno, SymbioticA, Jer Thorp, and Marius Watz.

“New Art/Science Affinities” (2011, 8.5×11 inches, 190 pages, perfect-bound paperback, 232 full-color illustrations) is available for purchase ($45.75) through the Lulu.com print-on-demand service, or for free download (17MB PDF). ISBN: 978-0-9772053-4-9, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Culture and New Media: 5 Questions by Lev Manovich

22 November 2011 / announcement, external, interview, press

I’m delighted to announce the publication of Vito Campanelli and Danilo Capasso’s new book on database aesthetics, “Culture and New Media: Five questions by Lev Manovich”  (MAO, 2011) which contains a set of my short essays. Campanelli and Capasso write that “the genesis of the book is to be found in the talk that Lev Manovich held in April 2005 at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples. On that occasion the two authors initiated an international debate on digital culture in response to 5 questions proposed by Manovich.” Respondents include: Tatiana Bazzichelli, Mike Faulkner, Carlo Formenti, Piero Golia, Golan Levin, Geert Lovink, Peter Luining, Miltos Manetas, Tiziana Terranova, Domenico Quaranta, and Cornelia Sollfrank, with additional contributions from Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, Domenico Quaranta, Carlo Formenti, Iain Michael Chambers, Mark Cadioli, Tiziana Terranova, Rafael Rozendaal, Lev Manovich, Francesca Colasante, Daniel Pitter, Andreas Angelidakis, Patrick Lichty, Luigi Pagliarini Ferrara, Genco Gulan, Serena Guarracino, Chiara Passa, Miltos Manetas and Charles Meadows. ISBN:978-88-95869-06-3. CC BY-NC-ND 2.5.

A short list of Dutch computational designers who use rapid prototyping

2 November 2011 / external, reference

A short list of Dutch computational artists/designers who use rapid prototyping, compiled from responses to a Twitter inquiry:

Free Video Delay in Processing

14 October 2011 / code, pedagogy

Here is a simple, free video delay program, made in Processing v.1.5.1, which I created for a student. The length of the delay is currently set to 100 frames, or approximately 3 seconds. Art students considering to use it should familiarize themselves with classic video delay work, such as Dan Graham’s “Video Delay Room” (1974).

// Video Delay in Processing
import processing.video.*;
Capture myCap;
int capW = 320;
int capH = 240;
int nDelayFrames = 100; // about 3 seconds
int currentFrame = nDelayFrames-1;
PImage frames[];
void setup() {
  size (640, 480);
  myCap = new Capture(this, capW, capH);
  frames = new PImage[nDelayFrames];
  for (int i=0; i<nDelayFrames; i++) {
    frames[i] = createImage(capW, capH, ARGB);
void draw() {
  if (myCap.available()) {
    arrayCopy (myCap.pixels, frames[currentFrame].pixels);
    currentFrame = (currentFrame-1 + nDelayFrames) % nDelayFrames;
  image (frames[currentFrame], 0, 0, width, height);