
Printed from www.flong.com
Contents © 2020 Golan Levin and Collaborators

Golan Levin and Collaborators



Please use email if contacting me for the first time.

Mailing Address: [→ google map at http://bit.ly/cmucfa]
Golan Levin
CMU School of Art, CFA-300
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA
USA 15213-3890

Feeds, Archives, Etc.

I'm an active user of Twitter, Flickr, Vimeo, and other online services.
Please see below for a list of comprehensive links to my media feeds.
Note that my TMEMA collaboration also has its own feeds and archives.

Feeds by Golan Levin
Golan Levin's Blog RSS Flong.com/blog
Golan Levin's Flickr RSS Flickr.com/photos/golanlevin
Golan Levin's YouTube RSS YouTube.com/golanlevin
Golan Levin's Vimeo RSS Vimeo.com/golanlevin
Golan Levin's Delicious RSS Del.icio.us/golan
Golan Levin's Twitter RSS Twitter.com/golan
Golan Levin's LibraryThing RSS Golan Levin's catalog at LibraryThing LibraryThing.com/golanlevin

Feeds by TMEMA (Golan Levin + Zachary Lieberman)
Tmema's Flickr RSS Flickr.com/photos/tmema
Tmema's Vimeo RSS Vimeo.com/tmema
Tmema's YouTube RSS YouTube/user/tmemaorg

Affiliated Web Sites

http://www.flong.com/ (primary personal site)
http://www.tmema.org/ (projects by levin+lieberman)
http://www.bitforms.com/ (gallery representation)
http://www.singlecell.org/ (participant in group project)
http://www.telesymphony.com/ (mobile phone concert)
http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/golan/ (former personal site)
http://artscool.cfa.cmu.edu/~levin/ (courses taught at CMU)

"A further improvement to the technique was made in 1893 when the dry flong replaced the wet flong. More recently, flongs have been made of plastic and rubber."Wikipedia
Mailing list

Please register for occasional announcements of events in your area.
This mailing list is very low-traffic and will not be redistributed.

Email address
