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Archive for the 'external' Category

Infosthetic art survey at Slate; Women in Infovis

Amanda Schaffer has written a sly and compact survey of some infosthetic artworks in a new Slate article, “Viz Whiz: How artists are mining data sets to make you see the unseen“. It’s a good introductory article for educators, with discussions of influential projects by creatives like Martin Wattenberg, Jonathan Harris, Ben Fry, and Jason […]

A footnote enumerating creative flow states

In the eighth footnote for Sanford Kwinter’s essay “Flying the Bullet,” which accompanies the slim volume “Conversations with Students” by Rem Koolhaas, is a brief enumeration of different names for Samadhi-like states in which an interactant “becomes one” with an interactive system. I quote: “Class four behavior” in Stephen Wolfram; “poised systems” and “edge of […]

New Bewitched.com from Wattenberg

Infovis samurai Martin Wattenberg has just launched a major revision to Bewitched.com, the documentation site for his research and art. Finally, one place to find all of his projects, and lots of new ones, too.

Some Favorite Quotes

I thought I’d share the following, a favorite quote from an article by Gabriella Hima: The inmost aspiration of the author is the reader’s response. Electronic writing should be an appeal to the reader to take part in the creative process, to co-write the literary composition – the work. If once literature turns from an […]